Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dear Diary: Romeo

Dear Diary:

     My heart cries out for peace and tranquility as it's torn apart then flipped upside down all within 24 hours!  It all started when my dear Rosaline refused my affection.  I can't imagine why as I tried everything I could think of to penetrate her cold heart's defenses; sending her flowers, walking her home, sending her letters, making her cake, keeping an eye on her and even making myself always available to her by staying close!  Of course all this is already written inside of this volume as I've regrettably spent many if my days locked up here in my chambers writing down my thoughts and opinions on this matter. Which is why I'm incredibly grateful to that I am ready to move on.  More than that Im getting married!  Yesterday while in counsel with my good cousin Benvolio we discovered that the capulets (the family to which my former true love belonged) was throwing a grand party later that night.  Benvolio imagined it would be a wonderful distraction from my hearts suffering, but I agreed to go only for the chance to see Rosaline.  However upon arriving at the party I met not Rosaline but the most beautiful angel I've ever met! Juliet! Oh how my heart jumped when I saw her!  The minute I lay my eyes upon her face I knew she was the most splendid girl in all of Veronna maybe even the world! So naturally I approached her and used my usual lines to instant success! However after we kissed I learned she was the daughter of my enemy!  It matters not though I climbed to her chamber's.  Balcony  to express my love and we've both agreed that our names shouldn't matter.  We also agreed that marriage was the only option and that it should happen sooner than later.  Thats why I must end my entry here; I'm on my way to discuss my marriage with Friar Lawrence!  I'll continue later tonight

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